Scott Street Pub Winding Down

Click for Larger ImageSo it seems that two decades of musical heritage is now reduced to two nights and two nights only. Jim Carlson, his band and quite a few assorted friends, family and others took to the stage last night to begin the farewell to the Pub. For a place that has made its reputation with live music, this weekend’s musical windup is most appropriate.

It may be true that the Pub has outlived its glory days by quite a bit. It is certainly showing its age and is no longer an ideal place for bigger shows. The stage is small, the room is acoustically awful and the lighting is marginal. But you cannot deny the atmosphere. You can almost feel the ghosts of all those who have come before. Even a venue as wonderful as Clark Place down in Stevens Point cannot match the pub for atmosphere, especially rock ‘n roll or blues atmosphere. The pub is drenched in that feeling.

The last two acts scheduled for the Pub are perfect picks to match the atmosphere. Tonight, the blues take center stage as Adam Douglas and his band the Deacons take the stage. And for the grand finale, Corpse Show Creeps, a psychobilly band from Minneapolis provides the soundtrack.

Over 50 years ago rock ‘n roll grew out of the intersection of the blues with rockabilly, if not actually in the Scott Street Pub, in places a lot like it. So you can relive history and at the same time see (and hear) the history book closing on an important era and irreplaceable music venue in our city. Hope to see you there.

2 responses to “Scott Street Pub Winding Down

  1. I am sad to see Scott Street go. After I turned 21 its was one of the stops we made on our Wausau pub crawl. The music was what made that place great and one of the few places that celebrated local bands. I wonder who will pick up the music after they close?

  2. Well, the next “Pub” is yet to be seen yet, Michelle, but rumor has it that the Rogers Theater project may be moving forward — perhaps that is the place.

    Here are my thoughts on what the next “Pub” needs to have. Unfortunately I don’t have any money to put where my mouth is, so someone with some entrepenurial chops will have to decide if these are good ideas.

    First, the venue should probably be a little more upscale than the Pub is now. Clark Place in Point leaps to mind, as does the late lamented Kellys. Clark Place has a huge room and stage — which is great for big acts, but a little more intimate would be good as well. Kellys had great service. Clark Place has great pizza and other food. Both places are (were) wonderfully comfortable for sitting. CP has a great sound system. I think you have to have a good place to sit first. šŸ™‚

    Second, while supporting local musicians, the venue has to reach out to regional and even national acts. Clark Place has pretty much hit this balance about perfectly. This builds your street rep in two ways — you have “big names” playing there from time to time and when local band goes “big time” they played there first.

    Great music and a good place to sit — surely someone here can come up with that.

    The last thing I will say is that whoever steps up to fill this niche should really talk to Mike Capista at Inner Sleeve. Partnering in some way with the only remaining independent music store around is sort of a no-brainer. Surely there is a win-win in there somewhere.

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